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Three charms of Ochiairo
A ryokan cherished by great literary figures of the past.
Founded in 1874 (Meiji 7), Ochiairou was named by former shogunate retainer Yamaoka Tesshu because it is located on the banks of the confluence of two rivers.
明治時代には田山花袋、島崎藤村。 大正時代には川端康成、梶井基次郎。 昭和初期には若山牧水、北原白秋など 名だたる文人墨客がこの旅館を愛し この場所で物書きに耽りました。 伊豆の雄大な山々と渓流のせせらぎに包まれ、 ゆったりと流れるときに心身ともにお寛ぎいただけます。
2. A cultural property
filled with craftsmanship.
Ochiairou, a registered tangible cultural property created by the finest craftsmen of the time
The main building is made of rare wood such as black persimmon and rosewood.
Built with a focus on elegance, Minuntei is a bright and soft-feeling establishment built in the Sukiya-zukuri style. You can enjoy the elaborate decorations and intricate craftsmanship throughout the guest rooms, staircases, corridors, and more.
The guest rooms, staircases, and corridors are all decorated with elaborate designs and precise workmanship to every detail.
Cultural asset tours are also available at the property for those that would like to learn more.