Introducing an autumn menu using seasonal ingredients

Fruitful Autumn Although the heat still lingers, we introduce an autumn menu using nutritious ingredients in season.

Oysters and Lake Hamanako seaweed jelly

Autumn evening appetizers

Local Red bream sushi, local mushrooms, black rice cake, steamed egg custard, duck simmered in soy sauce, burdock

Lotus root manju, chrysanthemum soup bowl


Bonito, Bigfin reef squid, sea urchin


Barracuda, Shiitake mushrooms, Manganji peppers

Squid ink soba


Japanese Black Beef Sirloin with Taro and Moromi Miso


Fuji chicken with watercress and clay pot rice

Sweet Taste

Wasanbon sugar soy milk panna cotta with seasonal fruits

For more details, please see the cooking page from this link.